
Blurb Block
Use the blurb block to add short content to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as adding an image, a heading …
Button Block
Use the button block to add buttons to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the button such as the alignment, style and width.
Code Block
Use the code block to add code to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as the alignment and width of the block.
Gallery Block
Use the gallery block to add galleries of images to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as the number of …
Heading Block
Use the heading block to add headings to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as the alignment and width. You …
Image Block
Use the image block to add images to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as alignment, rounded corners, shadow …
Info Block
Use the info block to add notifications to pages or posts in Kirby. You can change the context of the message to differentiate the importance.
List Block
Use the list block to add lists to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as the alignment and width. You can …
Markdown Block
Use the markdown block to add plaintext HTML/markdown to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as the alignment …
Newsletter Block
Use the newsletter block to add signup forms to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as adding a header, text …
Posts Block
Use the posts block to show posts anywhere on your site in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout and display posts as a grid or list. …
Pricing Block
Use the pricing block to add pricing to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as adding an image, a heading, …
Products Block
Use the products block to show products anywhere on your site in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout and display products as a grid …
Quote Block
Use the quote block to add quotes to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as adding a caption or changing the …
Slider Block
Use the slider block to add slides of images to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as adding captions, …
Spacer Block
Use the spacer block to add additional space between blocks. There are no settings, just add the block, drag it around and position the block at the right …
Testimonial Block
Use the testimonial block to add testimonials to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as adding an image, a …
Text Block
Use the text block to add text to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as the alignment and width.
Timeline Block
Use the timeline block to add chronological events to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as adding a tag, a …
Video Block
Use the video block to upload videos to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the video such as height, rounded corners and …
Vimeo Block
Use the Vimeo block to embed Vimeo videos to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the video such as height, rounded corners and …
YouTube Block
Use the YouTube block to embed YouTube videos to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the video such as height, rounded corners …