Posts Block

Use the posts block to show posts anywhere on your site in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout and display posts as a grid or list. You can change the number of columns, show the author, date and media if there is one.
Posts Block
Update 4.1.4 Jun 01, 2024

Update 4.1.4

We just pushed an update with some fixes. Here's what's new: It's now possible to hide the cover image for single posts. Fixed a bug where external links in a …

Update 4.1.3 May 12, 2024

Update 4.1.3

We just pushed an update with some fixes. Here's what's new: Fixed an issue with the footer where the background didn't work properly between dark and light …

Update 4.1.2 Jan 13, 2024

Update 4.1.2

We've fixed an issue with lists within lists.

Dec 10, 2023

Update 4.1.0

We're thrilled to announce significant improvements that will make your experience with our themes even better as we embrace Kirby 4 compatibility. Here's …

Update 4.1.1 Dec 10, 2023

Update 4.1.1

We've fixed a tiny bug for the hr tag.

Update 4.0.1 Oct 14, 2023

Update 4.0.1

We just pushed a small update with some fixes. Fixed some minor bugs. Now possible to have fully rounded buttons.

Oct 07, 2023

Update 4.0.0

We're happy to announce a brand new feature: Submenus are here! 🚀 With this latest update, you now have the power to organize your content more efficiently and …

Feb 26, 2023

Update 3.2.2

We just pushed a quite big update with new features and fixes. New option to add top and bottom labels to the heading block. Titles can now be filled with a …

Update 3.1.3 Nov 01, 2022

Update 3.1.3

We just pushed a small update with some fixes. Fixed the placeholder color for input fields. Fixed an issue with the generated page JSON when certain …

Nov 19, 2021

Update 3.1.0 + new timeline block + Kirby 3.6

All our themes have been updated to 3.1.0 and are 100% compatible with Kirby 3.6. This is again a pretty big update with many new features.