Timeline Block

Use the timeline block to add chronological events to pages or posts in Kirby. There are a number of settings to customize the layout such as adding a tag, a heading, some text or a button. It is also possible to add a background.
Timeline Block


Download "Plainkit" from the official guide, extract the Zip and remove the blueprints, snippets and templates folders.


Extract the theme Zip, add the assets folder and replace the content folder inside the Kirby installation.


Go to /site and add the config and plugins folders. Upload all files and folders to your server.


That's it! Visit the Panel at yourdomain.com/panel to get started.

Add tags and buttons

DownloadLet's go 🚀

Download "Plainkit" from the official guide, extract the Zip and remove the blueprints, snippets and templates folders.
View Themes


Extract the theme Zip, add the assets folder and replace the content folder inside the Kirby installation.


Go to /site and add the config and plugins folders. Upload all files and folders to your server.
View Docs

Done!Yaay 🎉

That's it! Visit the Panel at yourdomain.com/panel to get started.